PCAOB's enforcement past and its unknown future with Cornerstone’s Jean-Philippe Poissant and Russell Molter

Episode 160 · March 3rd, 2025 · 29 mins 55 secs

About this Episode

With ongoing changes in Washington, D.C.—including shifts in staffing and resources at some of the largest government agencies—financial executives are particularly focused on the future of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB).

However, unlike other agencies, the new administration has yet to reveal any plans for change.

Still, we can take stock of where the PCAOB has been, particularly in terms of audit enforcement actions. Late last month, Cornerstone Research—a consulting firm specializing in economic and financial analysis for complex legal and regulatory matters—released its report on PCAOB enforcement activity in 2024, showing the highest level of enforcement since 2017.

In this episode of the podcast, we speak with Cornerstone’s Jean-Philippe Poissant and Russell Molter about the report and whether past enforcement trends truly reflect a new regulatory and political reality.

Cornerstone's report

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