Five Years Later: Did the Jobs Act Change the IPO Market (or Did the IPO Market Change the Jobs Act)?

February 24th, 2017 · 28 mins 27 secs
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About this Episode

The Jumpstart Our Business Startups Act, or JOBS Act, will be celebrating its fifth anniversary in April. When it was passed in 2012, the hopes were that streamlining the financial disclosure process and opening crowd funding platforms for capital raising would encourage more companies to go public.

The Financial Executives Research Foundation, in partnership with Donnelly Financial Solutions, is working on a research project focusing on the Jobs Act and the impact on Emerging Growth Companies born out of the legislation.

In this issue of the podcast, we speak with Joseph Hall, a partner at the law firm of Davis Polk. Mr. Hall is head of the firm’s corporate governance practice and is a former Managing Executive for Policy at the U.S Securities and Exchange Commission. Today, he often advises companies on the disclosure relief embedded in the Jobs Act.